Disaster Risk Resilience & Climate Change

Humanitarian Response

Heatwave Response

Pakistan experienced a significant heatwave during the summer season and to respond to this climatic disaster AGAHE collaborated with WHH, Mercy Corps and Start Network aligning with core humanitarian standards and Sphere Standards, considering past trends and the needs of vulnerable groups such as women, the elderly, children, persons with special needs, transgenders, and laborers. AGAHE, initiated an emergency heatwave response in Bahawalpur and Multan, Pakistan, concentrating on preparedness and proactive strategies. Emergency response key activities included cooling centers, Awareness Raising Campaign, Distribution of Anti-Heat Wave Kits, Heatwave Awareness Raising the Radio and Local Cable Network Broadcasting and Awareness Raising through displaying the IEC Material on Public Places. More than 86,127 people were provided immediate and critical relief at the cooling centers, 4350 heatwave preventive kits were distributed among the vulnerable community members. AGAHE remains committed to supporting all community members through proactive and inclusive measures.

Flood Response

A devastating flood struck Pakistan’s district Vehari in 2003 displacing thousands of people and disrupting their ways of life. Agahe immediately responded with targeted relief efforts, providing essential supplies, enhancing emergency response capabilities with Rescue 1122, and improving sanitation infrastructure while ensuring effective aid delivery and fosters resilience in the face of ongoing challenges, aiming to support sustainable recovery and rebuild communities affected by the disaster. Agahe identified 344 vulnerable families and provided them dry ration, shelter kit and hygiene kits (including MHM material). Agahe built 45 latrines in flood-affected households of Vehari to improve health and environmental sustainability.

 In 2023, Punjab was affected by severe flood, especially along the Sutlej River, resulting in extensive regional damage. The river reached its highest level in 35 years, causing the loss of 73 lives and injuring 165 individuals. To address the crisis of this catastrophic event, AGAHE and PPAF worked together to provide emergency relief assistance to communities affected by heavy rainfall and floods in Districts Kasur and Okara. Even in bad climate conditions, the AGAHE team successfully managed all hurdles with the support of 1122 and the Social Welfare Department. AGAHE’s efficient management and strategic planning allowed for a greater impact.


In the tough times of Covid-19 where everyone was locked in their houses and it was even tougher to get anything from the outside, Agahe stood firm in its mission. With the support of other NGOs, such as WaterAid, Oxfam GB, Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund (PPAF), Give2Asia, PepsiCo International and Care International, Agahe has responded to Covid-19 in around 35 districts of Punjab, Pakistan. In the extreme situation of danger, Agahe held emergency response under different thematic area of WASH, Food Security, Sustainable Livelihoods, Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM), Cash programming, Health, Nutrition and institutional strengthening. In district Gujrat, Lahore Multan and Muzaffargarh, Agahe with WaterAid responded to Covid-19 emergency through the promotion of hand hygiene, inclusive sanitation and safe drinking water. Agahe with the support of Oxfam GB reached out to 15,000 students through the provision of handwashing stations in 20 public schools of district Lahore. 115,000 sanitizers, 113,000 soaps, 7350 MHM kits, 16400 masks and 12,500 hygiene kits were distributed. In the realm of health and medicine, AGAHE with the support of Care International provided medical equipment to COVID-19 designated hospitals. In short, during pandemic, Agahe provided people with necessities be in the realm of health, nutrition, sanitation, or medicine.

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