AGAHE and WHH have facilitated Punjab Rural Municipal Services Company (PRMSC) to organize a one-day training workshop on WASH System Strengthening and Climate Resilience for senior officials from different districts of Punjab.
The training aimed to enhance the capacity of PRMSC Officials in understanding the principles of System Strengthening Approach, building blocks of WASH System and integration of Climate Resilience.
Ms. Kanwal Liaqat Chudhary (Parliamentary Secretary Environment and Climate Change) graced the workshop as Chief Guest. In her closing Remarks, she appreciated the efforts by AGAHE and WHH in supporting the Government of Punjab’s endeavors for improving WASH Systems to deliver sustainable water and sanitation services in the province. She emphasized the significance of climate resilience in WASH sector to address the increasing impacts of climate change in Pakistan. She shared that the government is developing policies and legislations to protect our environment and build climate resilience. These initiatives are aligned with the government’s commitments under Sustainable Development Goals particularly SDG 6, and we are grateful to AGAHE and WHH for their support to empower government departments through these kind of capacity building trainings to enhance their skills for implementation of climate resilient WASH Solutions.
Mr. Mubarak Ali Sarwar (CEO AGAHE) paid thanks to PRMSC Senior Management, Participants and especially Parliamentary Secretary for their support and ownership for WASH Sector Reforms in Punjab. He further assured that AGAHE and WHH facilitation to government and emphasized that together we can build a more brighter, WASH Secure and Resilient Future for Pakistan.