Food Security &
Sustainable Livelihood

AGAHE has extensive experience working on Sustainable Livelihoods projects with various partners, including PPAF, Oxfam GB, GAIN, CARE International Pakistan, HarvestPlus, WaterAid, and others, aimed at improving the livelihoods of marginalized and vulnerable populations. The key initiatives under this thematic area include:

Developing enterprise models in agriculture, WASH, and nutrition, such as stitching units, water shops, and commercialization of biofortified crops.

Improving market linkages for vulnerable communities, including women and people with special needs, by leveraging technology.

Increasing the capacity of potential strivers and micro-entrepreneurs in enterprise development and entrepreneurship.

Enhancing livelihood conditions through asset transfers and capacity building.

Enhancing women's participation in economic activities in Punjab.

Providing livelihood inputs and cash assistance to vulnerable and marginalized communities based on poverty scoring in humanitarian & development contexts.

Improving access to financial services in 11 districts of Punjab through interest-free and commercial loans to support vulnerable women in developing small enterprises for sustainable livelihoods. Over 99% of the beneficiaries are women.

Raising mass awareness among vulnerable and marginalized groups about gender-based violence and women's economic empowerment.

Improving market linkages for vulnerable communities, including women and people with special needs, by leveraging technology.

Increasing the capacity of potential strivers and micro-entrepreneurs in enterprise development and entrepreneurship.

Enhancing livelihood conditions through asset transfers and capacity building.

Enhancing women's participation in economic activities in Punjab.

Providing livelihood inputs and cash assistance to vulnerable and marginalized communities based on poverty scoring in humanitarian & development contexts.

Raising mass awareness among vulnerable and marginalized groups about gender-based violence and women's economic empowerment.

Developing enterprise models in agriculture, WASH, and nutrition, such as stitching units, water shops, and commercialization of biofortified crops.

Improving access to financial services in 11 districts of Punjab through interest-free and commercial loans to support vulnerable women in developing small enterprises for sustainable livelihoods. Over 99% of the beneficiaries are women.

Nutrition and Climate-Smart Agriculture

Biofortification of Crops

AGAHE, with support from donors such as Mott Macdonald (Nutrition International / UKAID), GAIN, and HarvestPlus, has implemented food fortification programs across Punjab and Islamabad, focusing on the rice and wheat value chains. AGAHE collaborates with value chain actors (VCAs), including farmers, government agencies, research institutes, academia, and the private sector, to strengthen the value chain by promoting climate-friendly agricultural practices, responsible pesticide and fertilizer use, and segregation and aggregation processes to deliver pure fortified food varieties to consumers. These programs also include capacity building for VCAs on access to agricultural inputs, climate-friendly practices, segregation, packaging, and marketing to facilitate the commercialization of biofortified crops and products.

Strengthening Food Systems

Biofortification of Crops

AGAHE works with small and medium enterprises (SMEs) involved in food production in Punjab to enhance their capacities in production, processing, packaging, and distribution. This effort aims to ensure the nutritional standards and quality of food in the market.

Improving Quality Standards of Crops

AGAHE, with support from GAIN, HarvestPlus, and Oxfam, collaborates with government departments to establish uniform seed and crop quality standards and to raise awareness among VCAs, including farmers. The current focus is on wheat, rice, and edible oil and ghee. AGAHE has signed an MOU with the Rice Research Institute, Kala Shah Kaku, and is a member of the Sustainable Rice Platform (SRP), an international certification body for sustainable rice production, to enhance knowledge products and evidence regarding these standards.

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